How to use essential oils safely

Essential oils seem to be everywhere these days. The rise of conscious wellbeing is a great thing but what many people do not realise is that as well as being helpful, essential oils can be harmful too.

Before you use anything new on your skin or as an inhalation, you should check with your doctor if you have ongoing medical issues and everyone should try a small patch test to make sure you won't react to the products.

Did you know that essential oils are 50 - 100 times more concentrated than the plant itself? 

There are many ways we can use essential oils to help promote and maintain a healthy lifestyle, but making sure we are using them correctly will ensure we achieve the desired results and not a trip to the doctors.

Topical Use

Never ever apply undiluted essential oils directly to the skin. Some essential oils, such as lemongrass, clove or cinnamon bark, are more likely to cause skin reactions than others. Others that are deemed as safe can still cause reactions if they are applied directly to the skin simply because they are too strong to be used without diluting.


When using essential oils in the bath, never just use a few drops straight into the water. The oil will not mix with the water. First, you should mix the chosen essential oil with a medium or a carrier oil like sweet almond oil. 

Oral Ingestion

Never swallow essential oils unless a licensed or registered practitioner advises you to. Do not take essential oils either undiluted or in water, as there is a risk of mouth/stomach irritation. This is similar to what happens in a bath except that mucous membrane tissue is more sensitive than the skin, yet the gut only sends out pain signals when erosion has progressed quite far. 

Diffusion and Inhalation

Never inhale essential oils directly or intensively for longer than 15-20 minutes. If you are diffusing essential oils, do so intermittently. Ideally, diffuse essential oils for 30-60 minutes on, then 30-60 minutes off. 


Although there is no evidence that essential oils can cause an asthma attack unlike certain perfumes, there are some oils that certain individuals may find trigger an attack so always be careful when using oils around asthma sufferers


Essential oils should be kept well out of the way of children. When using on children, the dilution rates change depending on their age. For up to 6 years old it is advised to only use in small areas, where are for 6+ you can use as a full-body application. Dilution rates can be found here.
